

linguo-cultural competence, applicants for higher education, scientific and methodological approaches, system-activity approach, competence approach, culturological approach


The article considers scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of linguistic and cultural competence of higher education students. For students of higher education institutions who have already mastered systemic linguistic knowledge and developed skills of practical literacy to the extent of their personal qualities, the study of linguocultural studies is of great importance. Linguoculturology studies the fixation in language, ethnotexts and discursive practice of spiritual and material culture of the people, ie culturally significant information stored in the collective memory of the people symbolic ways of material and spiritual awareness of the world by a particular ethnic group, reproduced in its ideas, patterns of thinking and behavior. aesthetic values, norms, customs, rites, myths, beliefs, superstitions, everyday life.

The purpose of the article. For each of our chosen theoretical and methodological approaches, a certain specificity of the studied process is revealed, but only their complex complementary implementation gives a general idea of this phenomenon.

The methodology is based on the general principles of philosophy, the basic modern principles of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the organization of the educational process.

Scientific novelty. Comprehensive implementation of system-activity, competence and culturological approaches contributes to the analysis of the formation of linguistic and cultural competence of higher education as an educational process characterized by multifunctionality and corresponding to the main trends of intercultural paradigm of education, to which we include: translation of normative-value and cultural formation of cultural forms of self-determination and communicative norms of self-realization of the personality of applicants for higher education; ensuring cultural and linguistic identification and the formation of a bicultural personality.

Conclusions. In the process of learning the Ukrainian language it is necessary to form the ability not only to communicate in Ukrainian, but also to develop the ability to characterize the phenomenon of Ukrainian culture, history of its development, place in the world culture, evaluate cultural achievements based on knowledge of historical context. be able to express and justify their own position on issues related to the value attitude to the historical past, or otherwise develop communicative competence.

Author Biography

I. Davydchenko, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council

PhD in Рedagogical sciences,
Head of the educational department; lecturer of the Department
of Ukrainian Linguistics, literature and teaching methods,
Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy»
of Kharkiv Regional Council
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)


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