

Digitalization of education, Digital transformation of education, Education, Prerequisites of digitalization of education, Transition to a knowledge society


The purpose of the article is to determine the socio-cultural and organizational-pedagogical prerequisites for digitalization of education in higher education institutions.

The following methods are the methodological basis of the research: general scientific and specifically scientific: theoretical analysis, generalization and synthesis of interpretations of the concept of digitization available in scientific and methodological sources; retrospective analysis of its development; methodological approaches: conceptual, transdisciplinary, resource; principles: substantive analysis, systematicity, consistency.

The scientific novelty is the definition of the complex social-cultural and organizational-pedagogical prerequisites for digitalization of education, clarification of their component composition; highlighting as one of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the digital culture of participants in the educational process.

It is noted that the digital transformation of education is a natural and inevitable process, which is based on a number of prerequisites for its emergence and development that we have identified. This process has both advantages and disadvantages compared to the classical one. However, it must be perceived as an objective reality, as an effective response to a number of civilizational challenges. A more detailed understanding of the essence of digital transformation, the reasons and prerequisites for its occurrence will contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of building the methodology of digitalization of education.

The content of the article made it possible to reach the following conclusions: Digital transformation of education is an inevitable process that contributes to the improvement of the quality of education in modern conditions. Unlike informatization, digital transformation is characterized by the mass and complexity of covering all components of the educational process.

Objective trends in the development of society became the prerequisites for the digital transformation of education. Social and cultural prerequisites include: the transition from an information society to a knowledge society; emergency situations and disasters caused by both natural and anthropogenic factors; achievement of scientific and technical progress. The organizational and pedagogical prerequisites include the software and technical equipment of the educational institution, which depends on its financial and material base; creation of a digital educational environment, development of teaching methods, readiness for self-development of all participants in the pedagogical process and their digital culture.


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