
  • L. Lavrinenko PhD in History, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy, Correctional Education and Management, Chernihiv regional Іnstitute of postgraduate pedagogical education named after K. D. Ushinsky


inclusion, inclusive education, inclusive school, children with special educational needs


The article focuses on conceptual approaches to the implementation of inclusive education in the New Ukrainian School. The issues of integration, mechanism of provision and philosophy of inclusive education are singled out.
The purpose of the work is to reveal the possibilities of integration of children with disabilities into the system of comprehensive secondary education, features of psychological and pedagogical support of persons with disabilities, some aspects of inclusive education in the New Ukrainian School.
Methodology of research. The article uses the analysis of scientific sources at the theoretical and methodological, organizational and methodological, regulatory and legal levels of knowledge of inclusive education in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to analysis, pedagogical research on the implementation of inclusive education in general secondary education. The research methodology allowed to determine and substantiate the integration of children with special educational needs into the modern educational space.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the implementation of inclusive education in secondary education institutions in the context of the challenges of the New Ukrainian School in order to socialize and adapt children with special educational needs to life in society.
Conclusions. The study concludes that the personal orientation of education, namely: creating equal opportunities for children to get quality education, ensuring the variability of basic or complete secondary education according to abilities and individual capabilities are important factors in the inclusiveness of the educational process. The introduction of inclusive education should become a priority of the state’s educational policy not only in general secondary education institutions, but also in all educational institutions in the country. It is proved that education of children with disabilities in general secondary education should be provided with a range of necessary services in accordance with the educational needs of children with mental and physical disabilities, in particular pedagogical teams need to prepare logistics on joint education of children.


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