dramatization, interaction, functional analysis, musical and creative activity, performing interpretation, ensemble, stage partnershipAbstract
The purpose of this article is to highlight the features of the use of dramatization as a method of music-pedagogical interaction in the process of creative development of students in the class of solo singing at art schools. The research methodology consists in the application of analytical, comparative and functional methods to generalize the existing views in the musicpedagogical literature on the understanding of the essence of dramatization and pedagogical interaction. The scientific novelty consists in the systematization of the views of scientists, in functional analysis of the method of dramatization and description of our own experience of using it in the process of creative development of students of art school.
In the article current issues of interaction as a style of relationships in the process of active artistic activity are analyzed. Pedagogical communication is presented as a specific form of interaction of subjects of learning which exists in the conditions of the casual, emotionally unique atmosphere. The result of such interaction is the impact on the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of students, which contributes to the general and creative development of their personality.
Considering the specifics of work in the class of solo singing, it is proved that one of the most effective methods of musical-pedagogical interaction is dramatization. The article emphasizes the role of the teacher as a partner on the stage and presents a list of relevant concert events which are prepared in the process of joint executive activity and, at the same time, are result of their activity. We see the practical significance in proposed types of musical activities and forms of individual and group work with the use of dramatization as a method of musicpedagogical interaction in the process of creative development of students of art schools.
Conclusions. The article argues that dramatization is an effective method of musicpedagogical interaction, aimed at: solving musical-educational problems by means of musicalstage action, the development of artistic-cognitive activities of students in the unity of emotional and mental spheres, gaining experience of musical-creative activity, which contributes to their overall creative development.
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