competence approach, teacher of professional training, technological competenceAbstract
With the current state of development of society, which marks the transition to high-tech information systems, there is a need to reorient educational standards and change approaches to education. Competence approach is recognized as an innovative approach to teacher training.
The article draws attention to the problem of implementing a competence-based approach to the preparation of future teachers of professional training of students. Taking into account the peculiarities of professional activity on training the qualified specialists in the structure of professional competence of a teacher of professional training, technological competence is singled out and its content and place in preparation of future teacher of professional training on specializations is revealed.
The purpose of the study was to clarify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of technological competence of the future teacher of professional training.
The research methodology was the conceptual principles and ideas of systematic, personality-oriented activity, competence and technological approaches in education.
Scientific novelty. Based on the theoretical analysis of the professional activity of a vocational teacher, which integrates pedagogical and engineering components, the technological component of his professional competence is singled out, and the pedagogical conditions of formation of the specified quality in professional training of future vocational teachers are clarified.
Conclusions. The outlined pedagogical conditions for the formation of technological competence of the future teacher of vocational education of students require further experimental verification of the effectiveness of their introduction to the professional training of bachelors and masters in knowledge – 01 – Education / Pedagogy, specialty – 015 – Vocational Education (by specialization).
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Standart vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy pershyi (bakalavrskyi) riven, haluz znan 01 – «Osvita / Pedahohika», spetsialnist 015 – «Profesiina osvita (za spetsializatsiiamy)» [Standard of higher education of Ukraine first (bachelor's) level, branch of knowledge 01 – «Education / Pedagogy», specialty 015 – «Professional education (for specializations)»]. Retrieved from :
Standart vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy druhyi (mahisterskyi) riven, haluz znan – 01 – Osvita / Pedahohika, spetsialnist – 015 – Profesiina osvita (za spetsializatsiiamy) [Standard of higher education of Ukraine (master's) level, branch of science - 01 - Education / Pedagogy, specialist - 015 - Profession education (for specializations)]. Retrieved from :