method, activity, design, future teachers of technologies, design activity, design educationAbstract
The purpose of the work is to substantiate the system-forming function of design in the professional training of technology teachers. It is shown that design training is designed to fill the missing link in interdisciplinary research on human labor, which is extremely relevant in the training of humanistically oriented teacher of technology. Contributing to the development of an integrated approach to the study of activity, the study of the phenomenon of design fills the boundaries of individual sciences that study man in the process of work and communication. Design, as a science, helps to solve problems that are represented by the very logic of the development of this phenomenon, and causes changes in practical tasks facing the development of professional training of technology teachers under international standards.
Method. The paper presents an analysis of the methodological foundations of the systemforming function of design in the professional training of teachers of technology (design) for pedagogical professional activity. It is shown that as a method of this training can be used the very pedagogical design activities, able to combine the main opposite directions of education, to agree on a certain balance between the areas that create and destroy such a system. From the point of view of the research problem, such a method allows to reconcile philosophical principles between the normative necessary professional knowledge base (rational) and individual-creative activity of the designer (irrational knowledge, feelings), between technocratic and humanistic priorities of his worldview.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the system-forming function of design in the professional training of teachers of technology (design). The article shows that the change of the social paradigm of Ukraine’s development requires a revision of the paradigm of engineering and technological training of technology teachers. It is shown that this state of affairs leads to a contradiction between the existing education system (post-Soviet) and the newest one. With regard to engineering and technological education, it expresses this contradiction in the existence of two, often not different, areas of formation of the worldview of modern man: scientific-technocratic and humanistic.
It is shown that the solution of this contradiction can be partially solved by forming the basic foundations of technological thinking through such a subject as design.
The presented analysis of various product functions in subsystems that determine human activity («man – product – environment», «goal – product – result», «personality – product – society») allowed to identify instrumental, adaptive, effective and integrative function of products.
The analysis allows us to establish that the considered functions of the product are manifested in different contexts of sociocultural activities of man. Each of them is part of the design of the product, and the structure of the relationships between the functions reflects their interaction on each other.
Conclusions. It is established that the design approach in product design allows to determine what knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities are necessary for the formation of design competence. Design competence allows to humanize the worldview of technology teachers and use the system of the formative function of design in the training of technology teachers.
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