
  • Nataliia Zaichenko Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


social pedagogy, political pedagogy, Spanish pedagogical discourse, Spanish educators, concept


The study of the content of the Spanish pedagogical discourse of 1910–1950s – fundamental scientific and pedagogical works, publications on pedagogical issues in the Spanish press, reports of teachers at meetings of scientific societies and conferences – revealed that in the first half of the twentieth century in Spain two independent scientific fields were designed: social pedagogy and political pedagogy, and this formation was due not so much to external cultural and educational influences as to internal political factors in the country’s historical development.
The purpose of the work is to study the concepts of «social pedagogy» and «political pedagogy», characterized by Spanish educators in their scientific works in 1910–1950s, as well as to find out how these concepts were correlated and compared by educators.
Methodology. In the study of reflection «social pedagogy» and «political pedagogy» concepts in the Spanish pedagogical discourse of 1910–1950s, both general scientific methodological approaches were used – systemic, structural-functional, problematic, and specifically scientific – paradigmatic-pedagogical, problematic-historical and hermeneutic approaches. Pedagogical-retrospective method, method of pedagogical reconstruction and method of hermeneutics were used as the main research methods.
Scientific novelty. It is established that in the Spanish pedagogical discourse of 1910–1950s the conceptual field of social pedagogy and political pedagogy was presented as unity – continuum. The concepts of «social pedagogy» and «political pedagogy» have been clarified.
Conclusions. Since the generation of the Spanish national theory of social pedagogy at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries was associated with the intellectual search for ways to solve the «Spanish problem» and overcome the «national catastrophe» of 1898, the further development of socio-pedagogical research has affected a branch of a significant political and pedagogical direction. In the Spanish pedagogical discourse of the 1910–1950s, social pedagogy and political pedagogy were presented in unity.


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