

subjectivity, subject, personality, activity


The publication provides a theoretical analysis of subjectivity as a key concept of the subject paradigm that has developed in modern pedagogical discourse. In order to highlight the educational aspect of studying the category of «subjectivity» the historical aspects of the formation of understanding of the phenomenon in the interdisciplinary space were outlined, as well as its position in the concept of personality in terms of subject-activity approach. A number of contradictions in the interpretation of the concept are revealed and ways of their solution are offered.

The article’s purpose is to integrate the understanding of subjectivity into an structured system of invariants of the monistic multidimensional concept of personality of V. Morgun, as it is designed to avoid mutual exclusion or «ignoring alternative» of socio-humanitarian scientific knowledge.

The research methodology involves the use of theoretical and methodological principles of the subject-activity approach, the humanistic paradigm of education.

The scientific novelty of the work is the disclosure of the concept of «subjectivity» using the concept of multidimensional development of personality of V. Morgun. This will make it possible to structure the categorical apparatus and include it in the system of scientific knowledge, the construction of a holistic «human world» (Rubinstein).

Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of scientific publications, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the specifics of understanding the phenomenon of subjectivity in the educational field. A key aspect of the pedagogical approach to the problem is to highlight the concept of subjectivity as a process of pedagogical activity, the highest manifestation of personality, ie the substrate of the existence of the subject of this activity. The multidimensionality of the studied category necessitates further development of theoretical and methodological justification of the problem of subjectivity in the context of pedagogical activities, as well as the creation and testing of methods for the formation of subjectivity in the educational process.

Author Biography

O. Ovcharenko, State institution «Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University»

Master of Psychology,
State institution «Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University»
(Starobilsk, Ukraine)


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