future lawyers, English for Specific Purposes, the Dalton PlanAbstract
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of teaching future lawyers English for Specific Purposes by means of using the Dalton Plan.
Methodology. Theoretical statements of this work involve a retrospective analysis of research on teaching English on the basis of the Dalton Plan, determining its purpose, principles and tasks while teaching future lawyers English for Specific Purposes. The study is based on pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching foreign languages. Analyzed are domestic and foreign resources, educational documents and methodological peculiarities of teaching future lawyers English for Specific Purposes by means of using the Dalton Plan.
Scientific novelty. Further developed are the statements of using the Dalton Plan in the educational process when teaching English for Specific Purposes to future specialists in «Law» and «Law Enforcement». Though the Dalton Plan was not particularly original because its author recycled and reviewed different ideas, approaches, methods etc. to make up a certain educational establishment but its effectiveness is high. Its aim is to set explicit teaching goals, to motivate students and allow them to actively immerse in a situation. According to the Dalton Plan teaching must be based on the principle of complete freedom of action / freedom of choice, the principle of student’ independence (his / her independent cognitive activity), and the principle of cooperation. Nowadays we supplement it by using innovative teaching aids too.
Conclusions. Teaching future lawyers English for Specific Purposes by means of using the Dalton Plan helps create psychological and pedagogical conditions of each cadet’s and student’s development, creative cadet’s and students’ independence, their ability to choose the ways of freedom to master English communicative competence, to promote cooperation with other students and cadets.
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