
  • A. Davidenko Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the department of natural and mathematical disciplines and information and communication technologies in education, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushinsky


didactic tools, photographs of natural phenomena, video, educational process, creation, development, creativity


The purpose of the work is to justify the need to prepare teachers of physics and other natural subjects to take photographs of the moments of the course of natural phenomena, which contributes to the expansion of their opportunities in the implementation of the educational process.

The research methodology is based on the Law of Ukraine «On Education», the Concept of Science and Mathematics Education (STEM-education), the requirements of educational programs in science subjects. The author relies on his own long experience of working in the teacher training system, in particular, in the Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushinsky, where he developed and implemented the corresponding author's courses and seminars in the educational process, and created the didactic content, in particular, photographs demonstrated their effectiveness in practice, that is, during training sessions. Photographic materials created by the author are used for setting problems in physics and became the subject of his scientific research, which is reflected in the relevant scientific and scientific-methodological works.

The content of the article is aimed at satisfying the requests of scientists, teachers of institutions of higher education, in particular institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education, teachers who are not indifferent to the problems of educational development.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author proves the necessity and possibility of creating the named didactic materials by direct participants in the educational process, which contributes not only to increasing the effectiveness of education, but also to the development of the creative abilities of the teacher and his students. At the same time, it is shown how to prepare a teacher for such an activity.

The results of the research were reported at international scientific conferences (Republic of Moldova – 2011, 20213, 2019, 2021, 2022; USA – 2022) and others. and implemented in pedagogical practice at Tiraspil State University, Chisinau State University, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium», Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushinskyi.

Conclusions. The educational process in science subjects always requires new technical means and didactic materials. Interesting didactic materials in this regard were and remain photographs of natural phenomena. Photographic images of individual moments of images of natural phenomena contribute to a deeper insight into their essence, and, therefore, to their better understanding. The development of modern photo and video technology makes it much easier, compared to the past, to obtain moments of the course of fast-moving phenomena. It is important that the mentioned technical means have become available to wide sections of the population, in particular to teachers and their students. A significant number of educational photographs can be obtained by the teacher who, more than anyone else, feels the need for them to achieve a specific goal of the corresponding educational session. Involvement of students in photographing moments of natural phenomena not only contributes to their better assimilation of educational material, but also to the development of their creative abilities. In order to carry out purposeful training of teachers of physics and other science subjects to create new didactic materials in the form of photographs, appropriate work should be carried out on courses to improve their qualifications.


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