assessment, peer assessment, foreign language education, speech production, pre-service teachersAbstract
Studied in this article is the period of emergence and development of the methodology of assessment and peer assessment of speech production skills of pre-service foreign language teachers from the middle of 50s to the end of 60s of the 20th century.
The purpose of the article is a retrospective investigation of the period of creation of the methodology of assessment and peer assessment of speech production skills in a foreign language as a system and the analysis of its components.
The methodology of the research is based on the chronological, historical, system, and practical approaches. Due to the chronological approach, development of the methodology of assessment and peer assessment of speech production skills in a foreign language of pre-service teachers was described in a chronological order. A historical approach allowed relying on some historical facts and draw conclusions about the development of the methodology of diagnosing students’ monologues. A system approach provided for describing the methodology as a system, while the practical one helped us analyze the peculiarities of assessment and peer assessment of pre-service teachers’ monologues from the point of view of their practical use.
Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first investigation of the genesis of creation of the methodology of assessment and peer assessment of speech production skills in a foreign language of pre-service teachers as a system. The results received will be used to improve the methodology of assessment of speech production competence of the teacher-trainees.
Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of historical sources of that period, described are the factors that enhanced the emergence of the methodology of assessment and peer assessment of teacher-trainees’ speech production skills as a system which consists of such components as: purpose, content, process and result. Purpose and content components provided for determining the purpose and objects of the assessment. Process component contains the retrospective analysis of the kinds, forms, means and techniques of assessment and peer assessment of teacher-trainees’ speech production. Result component deals with the peculiarities of the process of grading monologues in a foreign language.
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