dual training, professional training, methods, professional responsibility, readinessAbstract
The article substantiates and identifies the features of dual training in the process of professional training of qualified workers in vocational education institutions. The basic principles of forming typical models of dual education are revealed, where the educational institution together with the employer decides on the introduction of dual education and monitors the potential of the labor market and determines the list of specialties for which dual education programs will be developed.
The concept of «dual education» is defined as an infrastructural, regional model that provides the interaction of systems for forecasting staffing needs, professional self-determination, professional education, assessment of professional qualifications, training and retraining of specialists. The peculiarities of educational and professional activity, which promotes the formation of labor skills and abilities in the process of production work by dividing the goals of training into educational and industrial and aimed at the development of professionally important qualities of the worker’s personality, are analyzed.
It is proved that dual training promotes the development of labor motivation of skilled workers as a process of motivating them to work effectively by mastering effective means of acquiring material goods, the emergence of a desire to do interesting things, self-realization and inclusion of social attitude to work and desire to be useful to society. Such training provides the worker with competitiveness, compliance with the modern economic environment, which is due to the establishment of a direct link between the educational organization and the labor market and taking into account its needs in the organization of the educational process. Therefore, such training allows skilled workers to adapt to changes in various industries, directly in the workplace and ensure the adequacy of the learning outcome to the existing needs of the labor market in the process of professional activity.
The purpose of the work is to reveal and determine the features of dual education in the process of professional training of specialists in vocational education institutions.
The methodological basis is the implementation of variable contextual training methods in the process of forming the readiness of a skilled worker to comply with the rules and requirements and be responsible for the quality of work performed, which ensures the success of a sustainable responsible attitude to professional activities.
The scientific novelty defines and substantiates the process of readiness of a skilled worker to meet the norms and requirements in the formation of professional responsibility and the implementation of contextual methods that reproduce the maximum approximation of training to the awareness of professional responsibility and production tasks.
The study found that professional activity as a special function of the subject of labor contributes to the self-realization of the individual in the process of professional activity through a number of stages, i.e. first professional self-determination, then professional development and professional growth under the influence of new requirements, external – from the profession and society, and internal – from their own interests, needs and attitudes.
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