Mental retardation, self-regulation, self-estimation, social adaptation, wards, inclusive educationAbstract
Objective. The objective of our research is an interrelation of self-regulation and ability to learn (attitude to learning, picking up learning material, etc.) where subjects of learning are people with a mild degree of mental retardation. The participants of the research are the wards of Municipal Establishment «Zamhlai psycho-neurological orphanage», namely 46 girls aged
14-25 with confirmed mild mental retardation.
Methodology. O. Osnytskyi «Self-regulation» methods were taken as a basics by the author with correspondent modification and then applied to study the self-regulation level of respondents. A survey of 20 questions was created to estimate the following characteristics: setting goals, action programming, results’ assessment, providing general regulation, results and action methods correction, order of the activity, detailed action regulation, realizing of actions, responsibility concerning actions.
Scientific Innovation. A set of questions «Regulatory component» was used to verify the obtained data concerning own estimation of participants’ self-regulation as well as to specify different components of their cognitive activity. An estimation scale of social adaptation helped to study the interrelation with surrounding people, ability to behave during group events, learning educational material, attitude to learning, work and social adaptation.
Conclusions. The results of experiment proved that those respondents with an efficient level of self-regulation have better learning skills in comparison to those, having low level. Thus, the efficient level of self-regulation can be considered as a positive feature to prognose the ability to learn and social adaptation of people with mild mental disorders. The research results might be applied by the teachers of inclusive educational establishments who work with students having mental disorders.
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