
  • K. Lykhohliad Senior lecturer of the Department of «Ship Energy Institutions and Systems», Danube Institute of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy»
  • A. Kononenko PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Scientific and Organizational Department, Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Eduvational Sciences of Ukraine


Ship Mechanics, Information Technologies in Education, IT Services in Education, Professional Competence


The purpose of the article is to review the possibilities of using web services as a form of interactive approach to educational and cognitive activities of future ship mechanics.
The research methodology is based on the use of such research methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization – in order to study the state and level of development of the problem of using IT services during the formation of professional competence in future ship mechanics.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the peculiarities of the formation of the content of the professional training of ship mechanics using modern methods of digitization of education are shown.
It is noted that digitization is now a key factor in improving the distance education system.
The use of digital technologies in the process of training future ship mechanics provides an opportunity for continuous learning, self-development, increasing the level of knowledge, exchange of information and work experience, regardless of spatial and temporal boundaries, equal opportunities for self-realization of all participants in the educational process. Thanks to digitalization, the educational process becomes more personalized, accessible and flexible. This, in turn, provides comfortable conditions for learning, effective development and professional growth.
The content of the article made it possible to reach the following conclusions: The conditions that have arisen in education in recent years and prospects have necessitated the implementation of mass implementation of distance learning. The search for improving its quality requires a transition to open education. IT services, the capabilities of which are constantly growing and improving, are the means of implementing such a transition.
Thus, we can note that today there is a powerful toolkit for remote learning, information competence is at a sufficiently high level and there are a large number of ways to increase it The least resolved problem remains content filling. As experience shows, secondary education is almost completely provided. Provision of professional education is very weak and needs further development.


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