

professional education, inclusive learning, systematic approach, mainstreaming, readiness


The article describes and substantiates the process of future teachers' readiness to organize and provide inclusive education. It is established that the activity of an educational institution should be directed not only to creating special conditions for training and education of people with special educational needs, but also to ensuring mutual understanding between educators (specialists in the field of correctional and general pedagogy), as well as between students with special education needs and their healthy peers.

It is proved that the systematic approach creates the possibility of a multifaceted understanding of processes in the conditions of introduction of inclusion, identification and justification of connections, mechanisms of activity of subsystems in development, as well as awareness of the conditions of pedagogical compensation of risks and contradictions. The application of this approach will allow to distinguish the set of inclusive education parameters, which are the most important for solving one of the main tasks - socialization of a person with disabilities, which will lead to his achievement of autonomy and independence in life.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the readiness of future teachers of professional training to organize and provide inclusive education.

The methodological basis is a systematic, axiological, synergistic, personality-oriented, active, competent, orientation, operational approach to the process of future teachers' readiness to organize and provide inclusive education. Analysis of historiographical sources and scientific publications.

Scientific novelty defines the process of readiness of future teachers of professional training for the organization and provision of inclusive education and substantiates the systematic approach that allows to reveal the systemic properties of the pedagogical process in the conditions of inclusion.

It is established that the indicators that characterize one or another level of readiness do not exclude each other, are of a relative nature, and therefore serve as a methodological guideline for tracking the dynamics of the formation of components of future teachers of professional training for professional pedagogical activity in the conditions of inclusion. Inclusion implies involving people with special educational needs in mainstream institutions, where it is considered important to remove all obstacles to the full participation of everyone in the educational process.

Author Biographies

V. Borisov, ommunal Higher Education Institution Khortytsia National Academic Rehabilitation Academy of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department
of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, Communal Higher Education Institution Khortytsia
National Academic Rehabilitation Academy of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council
(Zaporozhzya, Ukraine)

I. Vdovenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

O. Goncharenko, Hryhoriy Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University

Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Science,
Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology
of Technological Education and Computer Graphics and the Department of History and Culture of Ukraine,
Hryhoriy Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University
(Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine)


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