
  • O. Lilik Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, T. Н. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
  • L. Byvalkevych PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate professor, Associate professor of Department of General Engineering and Drawing, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
  • Yu. Perinskii PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate professor, Senior lecturer of the of Department of General Engineering and Drawing, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


social reflection, institution of higher education, professional communication, teacher


The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the impact of social reflection on the effectiveness of professional communication of teachers of pedagogical institutions of higher education.
Methodology. The influence of social reflection on the effectiveness of professional communication of teachers of pedagogical institutions of higher education was tested during a pedagogical experiment. Participants – masters of pedagogical specialties of 6 institutions of higher education of Ukraine, in particular EG – 110 people, KG – 104 people. The ascertaining stage was carried out at the beginning of the master’s degree (based on the results of entrance tests, entrance tests in certain disciplines). To determine the level of formation of individual components of the studied phenomenon, the following tools were used: motivational – the method of «Purpose in life Test» (Strumbaugh & Maholick (1964)), the questionnaire «Assessment of their own need to form social reflexivity»; cognitive – test tasks on pedagogical and psychological aspects of the studied phenomenon, pedagogical tasks; activity – the method of observation during the undergraduate pedagogical practice in higher education institutions, the method of «Differential of psychosocial development» V.O. Ilyin; evaluation – the method of determining the level of development of reflexivity A.V. Karpov and the method of A. Berezhnova «Reflection on self-development». For the overall assessment, A. Nasledov’s method was used, which was interpreted in accordance with our diagnostic program.
Scientific novelty. For the first time the influence of social reflection on the effectiveness of pedagogical communication of a teacher of a pedagogical institution of higher education is theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Social reflection means the subject’s focus on reflecting, understanding and comprehending other people’s ideas about the teacher and his activities, the ability to perceive others and transmit their emotions, evaluate people’s attitudes toward each other and predict other people’s behavioral reactions. In the process of research the cognitive, motivational, activity, evaluation components of the readiness of teachers of pedagogical institutions of higher education for social reflection, the criteria of their formation are substantiated. In the process of pedagogical experiment (ascertaining and formative stages) the positive influence of social reflection on the effectiveness of professional communication of teachers of pedagogical institutions of higher education is proved.


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