digital technologies, physical training, cadet, operational control, pulsometryAbstract
The purpose of the article. To improve the level of training of future specialists of the SCES of Ukraine by the use of digital technologies.
Methodology. The following research methods were used in the article: study of literary sources, pedagogical observations, own teaching method based on feedback between cadets, pulsometry, method of statistical testing of Student’s t-criteria.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, this scientific study was conducted in the criminalexecutive service, which results confirmed the possibility of using digital technologies during the study of the discipline «Special physical training» in the section «Athletics» and «Gymnastics».
Conclusions. According to the results of the study of the use of digital technologies at practical classes in the discipline «Special physical training», the indicators of physical training of future specialists of the SCES of Ukraine, based on the example of the experimental group, differ from the control group due to the implementation of operational monitoring of the heart rate and the introduction of appropriate corrections in the process of performing exercises.
The article analyzes the scientific and methodological research of leading domestic specialists. The concept of digital technologies in pedagogy is characterized. A scientific study was conducted between experimental and control groups. The level of physical training for seven physical exercises was determined. The positive dynamics of the development of physical qualities in the control group of cadets was noted. It has been proven that performing exercises using the circular system (crossfit) is optimal. During the experiment itself, with the help of digital technologies, namely: a fitness bracelet and the corresponding software on a mobile phone, operational control of the heart rate was carried out and appropriate corrections were made during the exercise. Also, with the help of GPS navigation, we were able to track the route, running speed, as well as the heart rate of the cadets. It was established that after conducting 8–9 classes, the cadets independently adjusted the load according to the results of heart contractions according to the heart rate indicators in case of exceeding the indicators – they reduced the activity or, on the contrary, increased it under conditions of insufficient data. It has been proven that the possibility of using this technique with the help of digital technologies is also uitable in the conditions of distance learning («ONLINE»).
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