independent study, solving graphic problems, distance learning, algorithm, problem, spatial representationsAbstract
The article investigates the problem of preparing students for independent study to operate graphic information of different levels of complexity.
The algorithm of solving a graphic problem (on the example of constructing the third projection on the two given) has been determined. The usage of this algorithm helps to master the sequence of actions that ensure the correct execution of various graphic tasks.
Special attention is paid to the problem of spatial representations formation and spatial imagination development while working with graphic images. The issue of educational and methodical materials development, selection of tasks, extra information, self-check in the conditions of distance learning is an urgent pedagogical problem.
The purpose of the work is to reveal the didactic features of independent students' graphic problems solution process organisation by teacher in the context of distance learning.
The methodological basis is a systematic approach to modeling the processes of forming students' readiness for independent study of graphic information, activating psychological and pedagogical theory of cognitive activity.
Scientific novelty. The independent study algorithm to solve a graphic problem on the example of constructing the third projection on the two given is defined and proved.
Conclusions. Special importance has been attached to the organization of students' independent study during distance learning in higher education establishments. The independent study effectiveness of solving graphic problems can be provided by a set of pedagogical means that take into account individual's psychological characteristics and complexity of graphic information operation. The proposed algorithm of studying and defined criteria of increasing graphic tasks complexity contribute to masterying correct sequence of learning activities and students' mental activity and ensure independent study effectiveness during distance learning.
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