
  • O. Rekun Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Technological Education, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


media space, information space, information sphere, information society, mass media


In modern conditions of rapid changes, there is a powerful development of social and communication technologies, which is one of the factors in the formation of the labor market and modeling of educational and professional training of future specialists in vocational and technical education institutions. Formation of students’ media literacy in today’s information and media space is an urgent problem in the context of professional training.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the media information space and investigate the practical demand for media literacy for future specialists in vocational and technical education institutions.
Methodology. Review of literary sources, Internet resources, legislative framework, systematization and theoretical understanding of scientific publications, analysis of scientific and educational literature, disclosure of the main definitions of the researched problem, generalization and clarification of scientists’ ideas, derivation of the research hypothesis Scientific originality. The media-information challenge is caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The group «Cook. Confectioner» is considered in media education.
Conclusions. Today, in the modern world, the ability to perceive information critically, distinguish between misinformation and hype has become extremely important – these skills are one of the main competencies in media literacy, which are currently needed by society. Among the educational community, media literacy is now of great importance.
A modern skill is media literacy, designed to teach society to critically perceive and analyze information. In the 21st century, media literacy is a priority direction for the development of information competence in society and the future generation of educated patriots of Ukraine.


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