Technology and Design teaching, information and communication technologies, teaching methods, demonstration, modeling, designAbstract
The introduction of information and communication technologies (hereinafter – ICT) to the practice of teaching a school course of Technology and Design is associated with several factors, combinations, and sometimes overlapping each other, which led to their active use. At the same time, first of all, it should be born in mind that the use of ICT in pedagogy is associated with the active development of computer technology, simplification of the algorithm of its practical implementation for the immediate user, in this case – a teacher of Technology and Design. Secondly, the use of ICT in Technology and Design teaching was carried out in unison with the introduction of Computer Science course to school curriculum. Thirdly, similar processes took place in teaching other school subjects, as well as universities, which conducted professional training in all specialties without exception.
All the above factors were combined with objective, global processes that were carried out in the field of unprecedented informatization of social life, the active development of the World Wide Web potential. Of course, the educational system of Ukraine, which still struggles with protracted system crisis, could not but responded to all these challenges as a large segment of it is directly related to powerful informatization.
The article considers the scientific and methodological aspects of ICT use in Technology and Design teaching to secondary school students.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the contents of ICT use in Technology and Design teaching to secondary school students.
Methodology. To achieve this goal in the system dimension there were used general scientific methods, in particular, analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological sources on the problem of publication.
Research methods: analysis, generalization, systematization, description.
Scientific novelty is to define the basic patterns of ICT use in Technology and Design teaching to secondary school students.
Conclusions. The study revealed the fact that the use of ICT in Technology and Design teaching is mainly related to methods of demonstration, simulation, modeling and design. Also, information and technical databases are actively used in the educational process, independent work is organized, evaluation and diagnosis of the students’ study results are conducted.
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