teacher, rhetorical competence, postgraduate pedagogical educationAbstract
Based on the analysis of scientific literature, it is revealed that teachers’ rhetorical competence in postgraduate pedagogical education is an integrated quality, It has been found that rhetoric as a science of eloquence, oratorical art is the main system-forming component. The article elaborates a structural and logical scheme to introduce integrated courses of improving teachers’ rhetorical competence.
The purpose of the article is to investigate and theoretically substantiate the essence and specificity of rhetorical competence as important soft skills of any specialist and a component of teacher's professional and pedagogical competence.
Methodology. Theoretical and methodological research on the problem of teachers’ rhetorical competence in postgraduate pedagogical education was carried out on the basis of theoretical research methods to determine the status and prospects of the problem; structural-logical analysis, systematization, classification – for systematization of theoretical materials on the research problem, characteristics of particularities of teacher training in postgraduate pedagogical education and definition of conceptual and categorical apparatus of research.
Scientific novelty lies in research and theoretical substantiation of the essence and specificity of rhetorical competence as an important soft skill of any specialist and an integral part of teacher's professional and pedagogical competence; introduction of own definition of the terms «specialists’ rhetorical competence», «teachers’ rhetorical competence in postgraduate pedagogical education», outlines the conditions for its formation and teacher development in postgraduate pedagogical education.
Conclusions. Therefore, continuous process of formation and high level of development of teachers’ rhetorical competence in postgraduate pedagogical education is an indicator of their professionalism.
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