

preschool children, economic education, economic literacy, economic consciousness, economic culture


The article deals with the problem of economic education of the preschoolers; the concept of «economic education» as an important factor of financial literacy of a child has been clarified; the essence of economic education of preschool children is revealed; the analysis of current programs of preschool education concerning the directions of realization of economic education; the specificity of software in modern preschool educational institutions is expressed; as well as the basic competencies of the preschooler in the sphere of substantive economic orientations.

Article's purpose. Аnalysis of the software of economic education of preschool children in modern preschool educational establishments.

Methodology. Analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization of theoretical and methodological data presented in the processed literature.

Scientific novelty. The article focuses on the analysis software and economic education of preschool children; the content of their economic knowledge, beginning with the preschool age, substantiates the importance of economic knowledge, skills and skills in the conditions of the national institution of preschool education.

Conclusions. It has been found that, until recently, the economic education of children was carried out by teachers from the preschool age, and today, according to the time requirements, it is advisable to start with three-year-olds. We have analyzed the whole range of educational programs for preschoolers and found that only three of them - Child, Sunflower and I in the World – justify economic education from the preschool age, while the program «Child in preschool years» promotes economic education for older preschoolers only. In our opinion, the most thorough development of economic thinking, economic literacy and awareness of preschoolers is covered in the program «I am in the World», as opposed to the programs «Confident Start», «Childhood World» and «Pathway», in which the economic aspect of education is practically absent.

Knowledge of economics for preschoolers involves getting acquainted with money, trading and banking activities, prescribing communications (mail, telephone, e-mail), thrift, and frugality in children. Thus, we conclude that I am in the World program most broadly covers the issues of economic education of preschoolers – through economic education and appropriate behavior – to the formation of economic values.

However, analyzing the software of economic education in modern domestic preschool education institutions, we can conclude that today's researchers consider the most effective not only economic knowledge, skills and skills, but also the personal qualities of preschool children related to economic activity (frugality, hard work, thrift, rationality), the formation of which indicates the proper level of economic thinking, literacy, education and culture of preschoolers, as a natural result of effective economic education.

Author Biography

V. Horodyska, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
of the Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
(Drohobych, Ukraine)


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