artistic orientations, pedagogical conditions, senior pupilsAbstract
The article actualizes the problem of formation of artistic orientations of senior pupils in the process of art education. The importance of identifying pedagogical conditions for the methodological support for the formation of artistic orientations of pupils is substantiated.
The research aim is to determine the effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic orientationsof senior pupils in the process of art education in secondary school.
The research methodology is based on the ideas of axiological and polyartistic approaches.
The scientific novelty lies in the identification of external and internal pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic orientationsof senior pupils in the process of art education.
The external pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic orientationsof senior pupils relate to the organization of the didactic process, the specifics of pedagogical influence, providing a comfortable atmosphere of creative cooperation. Such conditions include: providing students with extensive artistic information and identifying individual artistic and taste reactions; realization of interrelations of art disciplines and different types of art-educational practice; ensuring creative interaction of the subjects of the artistic and pedagogical technologies; systematic introduction of situations of empathy of artistic images.
The internal pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic orientations of senior pupils activate the individual reactions to works of art, are manifested in the personal qualities and capabilities of the subjects. Internal pedagogical conditions include: stimulating artistic cognitive activity of students; activation of creative thinking of senior pupils in the process of performing artistic tasks; actualization of the subjekt-evaluation attitude to artistic images; promoting the realization of creative abilities of students in the process oof artistic activity; directing students’ art education to the development of their ability to stelf-realization in artistic creativity.
The conclusions of the research are based on the need to use a set of external and internal pedagogical conditions for the formation of artistic orientations of senior pupils in the process of art education.
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