physical culture, coordination abilities, educational competences, psychophysical development, younger studentsAbstract
The paper reviewed and analyzed the problem of the relationship of the motor development and success of training younger students, given the qualitative characteristics of coordination abilities of pupils who have difficulties in learning activity, established quantitative measures of coordination abilities of pupils who have learning difficulties.
The purpose of the study is to study of coordination abilities of pupils 8-9 years who have difficulties in learning activity.
Methods of research: observation, pedagogical testing, statistical data processing.
Scientific novelty: studied indicators of coordination abilities of pupils who have difficulties in learning activities and are not available nosology; Scientific novelty: studied indicators of coordination abilities of pupils who have difficulties in learning activities and are not available nosology; the correlation between students' academic achievement and the development of coordination skills in the elementary school period is shown, which suggests that the motor analyzer plays a special role in the formation of educational competences in younger students.
Conclusions: observation of motor activity of 22 boys of 8-9 years, who had difficulties in educational activity and had no medical nosologies, allowed to identify qualitative characteristics of the following coordination skills available in the following children: impaired motor development, difficulty in forming motor skills, impaired motor activity and self-regulation, excesses of regulatory praxis, impaired reciprocal coordination, signs of proprioceptive dysfunction. Pedagogical testing made it possible to find, that boys 8-9 years old, who have learning difficulties, have lower than average ability to regulate space-time and dynamic movement parameters (10,8 ± 0,16 s); satisfactory level of development of ballistic coordination of movements, reaction rate (188,3 ± 2,82 cm); impaired ability to orient in space (deviation equal to 48,2 ± 1,89 cm), and twice below the age-appropriate ability to hold a given pose while keeping stillness with eyes open (7,7 ± 0,65 s); the coordination of movements in such students corresponds to a satisfactory level (10,7 ± 0,37 s).
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