bullying, mobbing, conflict behavior, victims of school violence, preventive workAbstract
The purpose of the educational process in a secondary school is to develop a socially active, highly moral and competitive graduate, so special attention should be paid to the quality of academic achievements of high school students in specialized schools, where educational services become more individualized, functional, effective and correspond to the needs of graduate and to his social realization as a future specialist and citizen.
Improving the quality of educational achievements of high school students in secondary schools depends on both the conditions for ensuring the functioning of the educational process and the scientific and pedagogical technologies for monitoring their quality, without defining and justifying of which it will be ineffective.
The aim of the article is to study the features of monitoring the quality of educational achievements of high school students as a component in the management of a secondary school.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience on the problem of monitoring the quality of educational achievements of high school students. The analysis of scientific literature determines the condition of development of a researched problem: synthesis, generalization, systematization to define the conceptual meanings of the study, the formulation of conceptual statements and conclusions. It is important to create the system for monitoring the quality of educational achievements of high school students, as a part of the management of secondary schools.
Scientific novelty. Theoretical generalization and forecasting of the practical solution of the problem of monitoring the quality of educational achievements of high school students is made. The stages, aspects, algorithm and means of conducting monitoring research on the quality of educational achievements of high school students are systematized.
Conclusions. The introduction of monitoring the quality of educational achievements of high school students in the practice of school management allows to determine the real condition of the educational process, the dynamics of its changes, identify the problems in teaching and upbringing the students, in teacher’s work, find out the reasons for their occurrence, as well as monitor the quality of teacher’s work and approve the decisions about the quality of students' education.
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