senior preschool children, cognitive development, learning means, folkscience, means of folkscienceAbstract
The influence of the means of folkscience on the formation of cognitive abilities of senior preschoolers have been analysed in the article. For preschoolers, folkscience is a subject of study, since the child learns about the ethnic environment and on the other hand, it is a means of knowing the world. The educator must using the means of folkscience at classes of mathematics, nature, language development, arts work, music, physical education, etc. for successful completion of cognitive development tasks of children have been emphasized.
Article's purpose. Disclosure of the role of folkscience in the cognitive development of senior preschoolers.
Methodology. Analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization of theoretical and methodological data presented in the scientific literature.
Scientific novelty. The article focuses on the opportunities of means of folkscience in cognitive development of senior preschoolers; advise for educators on how to improve this process in preschool institutions are substantiated.
Conclusions. It is proved that means of folkscience are contribute to a deeper understanding of the world by children, their awareness of their belonging to the ukrainian, understanding of history, traditions, distinguishing features of folk crafts and toys, learning songs, dances, mastering a bright, colorful language, expanding speech, expanding speech imagination, thinking, attention, etc.
Native language, folklore, native history, local lore, genealogy, family culture, nature of native land, folk traditions, customs, holidays, ceremonies, folk calendar, folk art, crafts, folk games and fun, folk toy, national symbolism are means of folkscience that are important for the cognitive development of senior preschool children. At the same time, for the preschoolers, folkscience is a subject of study – they acquire knowledge of the ethnic, social, subject and natural environment.
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