Internet addiction, schoolchildren, youth, diagnostic of Internet addictionAbstract
The article examines the problems of Internet addiction of modern youth. The main features, manifestations and methods of determining the level of Internet addiction have been considered. Criteria for assessing the degree of Internet addiction have been revealed.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of Internet addiction among modern youth, to determine the main symptoms, causes and possible consequences.
The methodological basis of the study includes general theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis of pedagogical, psychological, sociological literature on the problem; comparison, systematization, generalization, interpretation of existing theoretical approaches and empirical results; analytical induction as a technique for the formation of universal statements about the nature and features of Internet addiction among students and young people.
The scientific novelty consists in for the first time generalization of approaches to the problem of Internet addiction among young people.
Conclusions. As a result of the theoretical research we can state that lately the problem of Internet addiction, which has not only psychological and pedagogical, but also medical and social aspects, has become quite topical among schoolchildren and young people in the world. This problem is not officially recognized in Ukraine, although it is quite relevant in many countries. The urgency of this problem is growing in light of the increasing use of distance learning based on online services.
Internet addiction can cause certain types of adolescents' and young people`s behavior among which the main ones are passion for virtual communication and virtual dating; cybersexual addiction; obsessive «financial» need for network; information overload.
The first step in detention the level of student's or young person's Internet addiction should be diagnostic of this process.
In foreign practice the test developed by Kimberly Young is quiet actively used by researchers to determine the presence and severity of Internet addiction. American researcher M. Orzak identified the psychological and physical symptoms of Internet addiction.
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical research on this problem made it possible to outline the main manifestations of Internet addiction in a student or young person, which can be used by parents for the initial diagnosis of this addiction. Practical suggestions on how to organize students' work in order to reduce the possibility of Internet addiction have been proposed based on this analysis.
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