

creativity, personality, creative potential, musical-creative activity


The article reveals the study of the concept of personal-creative development of elementary school pupils in the process of learning music. The essence of this problem is considered from the standpoint of modern requirements for education and tasks of music pedagogy.

Article's purpose of this work is to highlight and analyze the basic concepts of the study of personal-creative development of elementary school pupils in the process of learning music.

Methodology. Methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and theoretical generalization of scientific literature on the researched problem are applied.

Scientific novelty lies in determination of the directions of personal and creative development in the process of learning music in the context of the age characteristics of elementary school pupils.

Conclusions. As a result of theoretical research, it was found that the problem of personal-creative development requires a comprehensive study. The importance of research of modern theories of personality for understanding the components of its development is actualized. Different interpretations of basic concepts (creativity, creative potential, creative personality, development) which reveal the essence of the researched problem are revealed. Different approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to their definition are given. The connection between the outlined concepts and the concept of creative potential of the individual, intellectual and personal development is established. The positive influence of music on the general intellectual development of elementary school pupils is noted.

Due to the fact that creativity is to some extent inherent in every person, in the process of learning music it is important to develop in each child the need for creativity. We consider the personal-creative development of elementary school pupils in the process of learning music as one of the aspects of the process of personality formation, which is carried out during musical-creative activities.

Author Biography

Hou Yimei, Dragomanov NationalPedagogical University

Ph.D. Student of the Department
of Theory and Methods of Music Education,
choral singing and conducting,
Dragomanov NationalPedagogical University
(Ukraine, Kyiv)


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