

values, professional-value orientations, future specialist, institution of higher education


The goal of the work. It is theoretically possible to research and summarize modern approaches to the problem of formation of professional-value orientations of future specialists in psychological and pedagogical literature.

Methodology. To solve this goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical (studying and analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical sources, official and normative documents; comparison and generalization of scientists' views of the problem) and empirical (observation of the educational process of students).

Scientific novelty. The article theoretically investigates the problem of formation of professional and value orientations of future specialists through the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources. The essence of the concept of «professional-value orientations of future specialists» is revealed. It is emphasized that the formation of vocational-value orientations is a purposeful, multi-faceted, long-term process, which is influenced by certain conditions. Among the conditions are the following: quality of teaching in higher education; organization of independent activity of students; personal professional-value orientations of teachers; methodological assistance to students during practice and so on. It is stated that the formation of vocational-value orientations occurs during higher education institutions and is characterized by the transformation of the structural components of professionalism as socially significant professional values into personal ones and their further realization in professional activity.

Vocational value orientations are one of the leading, basic formations for the future specialist, defining active social position and readiness for professional activity.

Conclusions. A specific feature of the future specialist's value world is his professional-value orientations, characterized by his professional orientation. For professional development and further professional growth the problem of formation of professional-value orientations of future specialists should be relevant throughout the study in higher education.

Author Biography

T. Belan, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate professor of Department of Pedagogy, Psychology
and Methodology of Technological Education,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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