innovative environment, synectics, synectic method, engineer-teacher, creative abilitiesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the synectic method’s usage in the professional training of future engineers-educators in the context of creating an innovative environment in pedagogical universities. Methodology. During the research, a set of methods was used, in particular: entrance and final testing and questioning of future engineer-educators to test the synectic method’s impact on the development of students' creative abilities; interviewing teachers, observing the educational process – In order to monitor the development of creative abilities of future engineers-educators and adjust the author's methodology; modeling – to develop a model of the synectic method’s application; pedagogical experiment – for experimental verification of the effectiveness of the synectic method. Scientific novelty. The methodology of the synectic method’s usage in the professional training of future engineer-educators in the context of creating an innovative environment in pedagogical universities has been developed; in the process of experimental work proved its effectiveness. Conclusions. It is proved that the synectic method’s usage stimulates the formation of creative abilities of future engineers-educators, promotes a comprehensive analysis of professional activity, the formation of the ability to reflect and management skills of the student team, as well as a method of diagnostics, as it helps to identify the level of competence and student's knowledge imaginative thinking, the ability to abstract, summarize, compare, the ability to actualize the right knowledge at the right moment.
Experimental-research work on the synectic method’s usage was carried out by the implementation of four consecutive stages (ascertainment-diagnostic, theoretical, practical-modeling, analytical), within which the method of the synectis method’s usage in the professional training of future engineers-pedagogues was developed and tested. The synectic method’s usage took place through four stages (familiarization with the problem, its specification, generation of ideas, their consideration), within which three components of this method (subject, communicative-guiding, reflexive-creative) are represented.
The analysis of the results of the experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the synectic method’s usage for the development of students' creative abilities and the expediency of its introduction into the professional training of future engineers-educators.
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