project, research project, research, biophysics, competence, training, research activity, educational processAbstract
The purpose of the work is to acquaint interested scientists, teachers of higher educational institutions and teachers with the features and problems of implementation in pedagogical practice of research projects on natural and special subjects and problems.
The research methodology is based on the concept of modern education, the requirements of the curricula of relevant educational institutions. The research is focused on meeting the demands of scientists, teachers of higher education institutions and teachers who are not indifferent to the problems of educational development. The author relies on his own experience at school as a physics teacher, teacher of biophysics at the Chernihiv branch of Kharkiv Pharmaceutical University and Chernihiv Basic Medical College, on the experience of preparing assignments for the All-Ukrainian competition of young researchers and inventors «Edisolny XXI century», experience of scientific management Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the experience of preparing tasks for the All-Ukrainian Olympiads of young physicists and, of course, the results of their own research, which reflected in his PhD and doctoral dissertation.
The scientific novelty of the study is that the author for the first time shows the possibility and feasibility of using research projects in biophysics in the educational process in this subject. The author reveals the concept of human research, the end product of which is the discovery, and justifies the feasibility of involving students in medical research. The results of the study were presented at international scientific conferences (Republic of Moldova, 2019; Republic of Belarus, 2019 and 2020). They are also used in the educational process at the National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after Taras Shevchenko and at the Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after KD Ushinsky and at the Chernihiv Basic Medical College.
Conclusions. The use of research projects in the educational process allows not only to acquaint students with the basics of research, which is a preparatory stage for their future coursework and dissertations, but also promotes the development of relevant competencies that better cope with professional activities.
A characteristic feature of the proposed research projects is that for their implementation you can use sensors that are built into modern mobile communication portals - smartphones. First of all, it is a microphone, Hall sensor, accelerometer, photo and WEB-camera, gyroscope. pressure sensor, light sensor, humidity sensor, etc. They are easy to download (from the Play Market) and install the appropriate software. This greatly expands the ability of students to obtain experimental data and, last but not least, allows them to carry out individual work, both in the laboratory of the institution and at home, because these means of communication have all students.
For the wide implementation of research projects in the pedagogical practice of medical educational institutions, the author is working to expand their topics, preparing appropriate guidelines. Based on the current situation, a list of research project topics and guidelines for their implementation and design will be posted on the distance learning platform.
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