

competence, professionality, professional competence, preschool education, future preschool teachers


The author of the article analyzes the essence of the terms «competence», «professionality» and «professional competence» of future teachers of preschool education institutions. The achievements of the Ukrainian and foreign researchers who have devoted their scientific works to the research of the problem of forming and developing professional competence of future teachers of preschool education institutions are theoretically generalized.

The purpose of the article. The task of the studied problem is to reveal the essence of the concepts «competence», «professionality» and «professional competence» of future teachers of preschool education institutions.

Methodology. The comparative analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical, methodical literature on the studied problem is carried out; the normative and legal educational documents are studied; analysis, synthesis and systematization are used. Theoretical and methodical analysis of basic concepts revealed the content of the studied terms.

Scientific novelty. The comparative analysis of professional competence proved the author's idea that professional competence is a complex of professionally significant knowledge, skills, experience as well as socially significant qualities of a person: mobility, communicativeness, equableness of mind, creativity, benevolence and others, that entails the fulfillment of professional responsibilities according to regulatory standards.

Conclusion. Theoretical study of the problem made it possible to clarify certain definitions such as professionality – the personal and professional facilities or traits of the individual, related to the set of knowledge, skills, abilities, motivations, values and interests, and competence – a way of behavior, practical actions and the result obtained while implementing professional skills. The mutual influence of these characteristics is a ground of educational models of balanced, more theoretical, or more practical orientation.

Author Biography

A. Dmytrenko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

Ph.D. Student,
Assistant of theory and methodics of preschool education chair,
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
(Hlukhiv, Ukraine)


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