

visualization, visual communication, visual and information culture, future mathematics and computer science teachers


In the context of «visual turn», the skills of visualization and the quality of visual and informative content of the educational activity are in focus in the society. There is an objective request for teachers with a high level of visual and informational culture.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and ways of forming the communicative component of the visual and information culture of future mathematics and computer science teachers.

Methodology. Based on the analysis and systematization of foreign and national authors’ findings the essence of the phenomenon of visual and informational culture of future mathematics and computer science teachers is revealed. According to the results of observation of the students, the state of formation of the communicative component of the visual and informational culture was found out.

Scientific novelty. The essence of visual and informational culture of future mathematics and computer science teachers was clarified and its structural components were distinguished: professional and motivational, cognitive, operational and activity, reflexive. The operational and activity component involves the visual communication between the subject and the subject of perception of educational information, which is characterized by the ability to convey educational information by visual means and to perceive and understand educational information presented visually. The use of one of the possible means of forming the communicative component of the visual and informational culture of future mathematics and computer science teachers, namely cognitive and visual graphics, is described in details.

Conclusions. The use of cognitive and visual graphics contributes to the formation of the communicative component of the operational and activity component of the visual and informational culture of future teachers of mathematics and informatics. The abilities to perceive and understand visual information, structure information, translation skills from verbal to visual language and vice versa, understanding connections between structural units within simultaneous perception of the whole cognitive structure in the form of cognitive-visual models are formed.

Author Biography

M. Drushlyak, Makarenko Sume State Pedagogical University

ResearcherID D-6174-2018
Scopus-Author ID 56667648100
PhD in Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Associated Professor,
Associated Professor of Department of Mathematics,
Makarenko Sume State Pedagogical University
(Sumy, Ukraine)


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