

business dialogical speech, prospective economists, dialogues, dialogical skills


Dialogue is the most active form of interpersonal and professional communication. The acquisition of foreign language competence in business dialogical speech of prospective economists affects development of foreign language skills in real cross-cultural professional environment. The syllabuses of the professionally oriented English are to comprise the main situations of professional communication, typical dialogues. The aim of the article is to describe prospective economists’ dialogical speech, highlight typical dialogues and reveal the complexity of their acquisition. The methodology of research implies that by the analysis of scientific sources the concept «dialogical speech» is defined, the description of typical business dialogues is given and the complexity of their acquisition is presented. The list of functional types of prospective economists’ dialogues envisages an analysis of business talks, genre and style nature of discourse, professional rules of the specialists of economic field. While teaching dialogical speech to prospective economists the following dialogues are outlined: etiquette dialogue, dialogue-enquiry, dialogue-exchange of thoughts/impressions, dialogue-discussion, dialogue-discussion. The scientific novelty of research lies in an analysis of business dialogical speech of economists in order to gain the skills of dialogical skills correctly, taking in the account of the complexity of typical dialogues. The conclusions: building the competence of dialogical speech starts from acquiring different kinds of dialogical unities, replicating with transition into the level of micro-dialogues. The dialogues with higher complexity (dialogue-exchange of thoughts, dialogue-discussion) receive speech activization during role plays. Role plays bring learning communicative situations close to real business communication, create positive psychological microclimate, promote students’ speech activity, encourage students to realize the necessity to gain English competence in business communication.

Author Biography

A. Kotlovskyi, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Ph.D. in Pedagogic Sciences,
Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Language for Sciences,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


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