

forms, methods and tools, effective building of intercultural competence, prospective specialists of combat and operational support


Globalization and threats of present military conflicts contribute to the necessity to acquire intercultural competence by prospective specialists of combat and operational support. The aim of the article is to analyze effective forms, methods and tools of building intercultural competence by prospective specialists of combat and operational support. The following theoretical methods are applied in the research: content-analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, syllabuses of cadets’ training, curricular of basic, general military and professional, special military training disciplines in order to generalize and classify the material. The scientific novelty of research lies in the analysis of popular teaching forms and methods in Ukrainian military educational institutes, the display of teaching form and methods that are common in foreign military educational institutes, substantiation of effective forms and methods of building intercultural competence by prospective specialists of combat and operational support. The conventional forms of cooperative training of cadets are represented by: separate and joint training, command headquarters, preparedness training, tactical and basic training, military games, theoretical lessons, tactical and drill exercises, instructive sessions, maneuvers. In Ukrainian educational military institutes while teaching Humanities and Social Sciences the methods of oral presentation, discussions, visual and practical teaching methods dominate. Within building intercultural competence in prospective specialists it is expedient to use active and interactive teaching such as role plays, simulations, problem solving (methods of incidents), cases, projects and presentations. Independent work (classroom, extracurricular, work with course books, individual mastery of weapons and equipment, independent acquisition of computer programs) fosters cadets’ knowledge, abilities and skills. The conclusions: application of active and interactive teaching methods boosts the effectiveness of building intercultural competence in prospective specialists of combat and operational support by raising cadets’ motivation due to professional training, namely immersion into professionally oriented situations.

Author Biography

A. Liubas, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Pedagogical Education,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


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