health-saving educational environment, healthy lifestyles, motivational activity, youth, social and pedagogical activityAbstract
The article analyzes the features of the preparation of future biology teachers and the basics of health for social and pedagogical activities in order to effectively promote healthy lifestyles among young people.
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of future educators' preparation for social and pedagogical activity, aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle for young people and forming a motivation for preserving and promoting their own health.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic and personality-oriented approach to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogical experience on the issues of socio-pedagogical activity of future teachers of biology and human health in motivating young people to form a healthy lifestyle. Based on the philosophical, general scientific, partially scientific and specific scientific levels of knowledge.
Scientific novelty establishes the basic approaches to the preparation of future biology teachers and the basics of health for social and pedagogical activities in order to form motivation for a healthy lifestyle, based on the analysis of the main factors of influence of the educational environment and depends on the unity of education and upbringing, quality of formation health saving paradigm in pedagogical activity.
Conclusions. The socio-pedagogical activity of the teacher as a kind of his professional activity, aimed at creating the proper conditions for successful socialization of students in the social and educational environment of the school, assimilating their socio-cultural experience in order to prepare for self-realization in society, to assist children and their families in cases of negative impact of socio-pedagogical factors and has a significant impact on the formation of healthy lifestyles among young people. Student and student youth in educational institutions need to create a motivational and practical basis for conscious health-saving behavior, which would allow them to form persistent beliefs about the priority of individual health, high performance and longevity. Socio-pedagogical activity of the teacher of biology and the basics of health, aiming to promote a healthy lifestyle, provides the formation of motivation to maintain the health of the population at different levels (personal, family, group, collective, national, global) means involvement in the development not only health care but also education, culture, social work and more.
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