

bachelor's degree, professionally applied physical training, professionally important qualities


The purpose of the study – to substantiate the conceptual provisions of improvement of applied professional physical training of bachelor-engineers in technical universities (on the profile of forestry business), to theoretically justify the need for its improvement; to establish it specifically oriented focus on the profile of forestry business; to develop and implement appropriate pedagogical support; to develop, implement in the educational process of the University model PFP. In accordance with the purpose of the study, based on the study of scientific sources, the methodological basis is defined: cultural, environmental, system, personalactivity, competence-based approaches and the principles that follow from them.

Scientific novelty. Installed specific thrust PPFP, which is within the conceptual framework reflects the author's approach to formation of professionally important qualities of applied professional knowledge, motor abilities and skills required in specific professional activities. Pedagogical factors and conditions that allow to justify, develop and implement pedagogical support for a specially oriented PPFP are identified. The pedagogical content is developed.

Conclusions. The well-founded conceptual provisions OF the ppfp of bachelor's degree engineers in the field of forestry have allowed to solve an important problem in the training of highly qualified professional competitively capable personnel of a high degree of adaptation, able to be subjects of professional activity, makes a significant contribution to the solution of the problem of professionalization of future specialists by means of physical culture, enriches higher professional education in General.

Author Biographies

T. Martirosova, Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology

Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor
Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology,
(Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)

T. Poboronchuk, Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology

PhD in Technical Sciences, associate Professor
Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology,
(Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)

L. Yatskovskaya, Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor
Siberian state University M. F. Reshetnev science and technology
(Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)


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