

educational institutions, students, criterion approach, evaluation system, social and pedagogical activity


The article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues of criterion assessment of teachers’ preparation for social and pedagogical activity. Theoretical analysis of the specifics of this type of activity in the context of educational regulations is proposed. Peculiarities and conditions of using criterion assessment in the process of professional training of students in a higher education institution are considered. The purpose of the article is to identify current issues of using the system of criterion assessment in the preparation of future teachers to carry out socio-pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Methodology. The methodological basis of our study is a systematic, personality-oriented approaches to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources of information and analysis of modern pedagogical experience in implementing a system of criteria for assessing the training of future teachers in the educational process. The paper uses a multilevel systematic analysis of information scientific sources, which is based on general, partial-scientific and specific-scientific philosophical level of knowledge. The scientific novelty is to establish the main approaches to the introduction of a criteria-based approach to assessing the training of future teachers to carry out socio-pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Conclusions The process of preparing future teachers for socio-pedagogical activities should be considered as a complex integrative phenomenon that exists as a social, pedagogical and psychological phenomenon, to clarify the main approaches to studying the essence of this problem and establish criteria for future teachers to prepare for socio-pedagogical activities. General secondary education (worldview, which reflects the socio-cultural orientation of the individual and is revealed through the following indicators: moral and aesthetic maturity and integrity of the individual; focus on socio-pedagogical activities; desire to acquire knowledge about socio-pedagogical activities; willingness to show willpower to overcome non-standard educational work; readiness for further self-study, self-assessment and self-improvement, reflective – the tendency to overcome conflict situations, find compromise solutions, establish cooperation in the process of socio-pedagogical interaction, the ability to assess their own level of knowledge about socio-pedagogical activities, the ability to and build relationships in the team; willingness to assess the level of their own abilities and capabilities; ability to plan the details of their behavior; ability to react quickly to situations of uncertainty and emotional tension; readiness for self-development and self-improvement, orientation on professional development; cognitive – completeness of knowledge about the basic elements and features of socio-pedagogical activities; knowledge of ways to form readiness for socio-pedagogical activities (structure, activity); knowledge of regulations; orientation, readiness: to share knowledge about socio-pedagogical activities with partners, to use this knowledge in professional activity; knowledge transfer in non-standard situations: imagination about socio-pedagogical activities in the conditions of project training; willingness to use knowledge of socio-pedagogical activities in atypical situations; communicative-activity – the ability to professional adaptation in the environment of the educational institution, the presence of communicative and organizational skills, the ability to socio-pedagogical communication; skills: to work in a team in the conditions of socio-pedagogical activities; implement the socio-pedagogical activities methodology; to organize an independent socio-pedagogical activities, the ability to plan work; distribute powers; work in unusual situations; readiness: to create a moral and psychological climate in the team.


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