integrated music and educational activity, efficient forms of teaching, lecture, training, didactic gameAbstract
The article states that the professional pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher is aimed at a child’s comprehensive development, their talents, abilities, competences and comprehensive skills. It is emphasized that the integration of the primary school subjects content is defined as a priority direction of the educational process construction. It is substantiated that the future elementary school teachers’ training for integrated music and educational activity involves the use of the efficient forms of the educational process organization.
Article's purpose: determination and justification of the efficient forms of the future elementary school teachers’ training for integrated music and educational activity.
Methodology. The bases of the study are determined by the position of the competent, learner-centered, interdisciplinary and integrative methodological approaches. In the course of the work theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature, textbooks on pedagogy of higher education, theses researches, the Internet resources were used.
The scientific novelty is to identify the efficient forms of the future elementary school teachers’ training for integrated music and educational activity that cover the content of the learning process and contribute to its effectiveness. Traditional and interactive forms of the educational process organization at higher educational establishment are analyzed. Lecture on supportive syllabus, which intensifies the students' educational and cognitive activity, improves the efficiency of the process of perception, memorization and reproduction of educational information, is among the traditional forms. It is emphasized that during practical classes (seminars) it is advisable to conduct trainings when each student presents themselves as an elementary school teacher and models the situation of conducting an integrated lesson in Music Art according to the developed plan-summary.
Conclusions. In the process of the future elementary school teachers’ training for integrated music and educational activity it is advisable to use traditional (lecture, seminar) and interactive (discussion, didactic game, «brainstorming») forms of the educational process organizing for integrated music and educational activity. The proposed forms optimize the educational process of students’ music and educational training and improve its results.
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