professional training, information technologies, institutions of higher education, organizational means, controlAbstract
In the article the peculiarities of the use of information technologies by future teachers of professional training at higher education institutions are revealed. Information technology has been found to be developing programming learning ideas based on local computers with peripherals. Computer modeling of physical processes that are not accessible to mass surveillance makes them visual and provides a broad audience. A student can evaluate positively or negatively their success or failure, strive for achievement or not think about it, make efforts to ensure success, or, conversely, actually achieve something or not succeed.
The process of distance learning is analyzed, which makes it possible to involve each student in active cognitive process, and not passive knowledge acquisition, but active cognitive independent activity. It is an opportunity to work together in the process of solving various problems, while displaying certain communication skills, the opportunity to communicate widely with their peers from other higher education institutions in their region, other regions of the country and even other countries of the world.
The purpose of the work is to reveal the peculiarities of the use of information technologies by future teachers of professional training at higher education institutions.
The methodological basis is the competence, operational, activity and evaluation approaches to the process of use by future teachers of Information Technologies in the educational process of the institution of higher education. Analysis of historiographical sources and scientific publications.
The scientific novelty: it has been identified and substantiated the peculiarities of the use of information technologies by future teachers of professional training in the educational process of higher education institution and the means of forming professional knowledge and skills of students in the educational process.
It is established that the use of computer technology by students gives the opportunity to test control works and other types of operational knowledge control, to intensify and personalize the process of repetition of the material and to accelerate the adaptation to the virtual environment during the subsequent testing for all age groups of students and significantly change methods and organizational forms of teaching.
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