experiment, methodology, pedagogical condition, interactive competence, future teachers in physical trainingAbstract
The article analyzes the actual problem of experimental checking of pedagogical conditions for interactive competence formation of future teachers in physical training. The article's purpose is the experimental verification of one of the pedagogical conditions for interactive competence formation of future teachers in physical training. The tasks of the paper: to define experimental and control groups, the methods of experiment; to offer the realization ways of one of pedagogical conditions of interactive competence formation and to apply its practical implementation; to determine the results and dynamics of the experiment. Methodology: the methods of analysis, synthesis and systematization of the authors' works concerning the empirical work in the field of teaching future teachers in physical training were used to achieve the article's purpose and to solve the outlined tasks of the research; logical and systematic, problem-targeted, comparative analysis in order to offer a set of tasks, exercises, means for realization the pedagogical condition; the questionnaire and survey methods to determine the level of interactive competence of future teachers in physical training at the beginning and in the end of the experiment; statistical methods of data processing. The scientific novelty of the research is the experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of the pedagogical condition such as the creation of an interactive educational environment in the process of forming interactive competence of future teachers in physical training. The results of the work are: the determination of the indicators for interactive competence formation of future teachers in physical training; the detailed description of the realization ways of the pedagogical condition for interactive competence formation for students; the proposed set of exercises, tasks, techniques, means and tools for realization the pedagogical condition; the analyzed dynamics of the experiment. Conclusions: the successful interactive competence formation requires adherence the pedagogical condition for the effective interactive competence formation of future teachers in physical training.
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