

servicemen, state security and defense, physical training, special physical training, content, forms, methods, means


The purpose of the article is to outline the content and forms of special physical training of soldies that ensure security and protection of the state. The methodological basis of the study contains the following approaches: age, differential, task, personal-social-activity, resource; principles: essential analysis, connection of theory with practice, unity of external influences and internal conditions, personality’s active activity; and methods: general scientific and specific scientific – analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, content analysis.

The mentioned above causes the level of concretization of the scientific novelty of the study (according to S. Honcharenko), which in the context of the scientific research is to concretize the basic provisions (content and forms) of special physical training that ensure security and defense of the country in modern unstable (uncertain) conditions.

The list of special tasks of physical training is outlined; special physical qualities and military-applied motor skills, the acquisition of which should be provided by a system of physical training with appropriate components and units, are defined.

The content of the article allowed us to draw the following conclusions: security and defense forces are the defense forces, state law enforcement agencies, civil defense forces and bodies of general competence, which by current legislation are entrusted with the functions of ensuring the national security of Ukraine; individual combat capability of security and defense specialists of the country consists of three components: military and special training; psychological competence; physical competence; physical competence includes general and special physical training carried out in institutions of higher military education and in the immediate conditions of service in accordance with the basic requirements of the Temporary Provision for Physical Training in the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

– the content of special physical training consists of means, forms and methods that ensure the effective implementation of hand-to-hand training; special exercises for the predominant development of resistance to: swaying and spatial orientation, overload and spatial orientation, oxygen starvation and spatial orientation, followed by the application of acquired competencies in the performance of professional duties.

Author Biographies

N. Terentieva, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of Pedagogics, Psychology and Methodic
of Physical Education Department,
T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

Yu. Radchenko, Intelligence Service of Ukraine

Head of the Physical Training Department of the Foreign
Intelligence Service of Ukraine
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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