

innovative approach, theatrical pedagogy, artistic and pedagogical reincarnation, pedagogical improvisation, directing pedagogical action


The article reveals the current artistic and pedagogical aspects of special training future music teachers. The author considers the creative possibilities of specialists and ways of their development by means of theatrical pedagogy. The category «pedagogical artistry» is studied as a set of personal and professional qualities. This complex provides perfect mastery of actorpedagogical techniques, operation of educational material. The result is the maximum realization of teacher's potential in creative practical activities with pupils.

The purpose of the work – research of pedagogical artistry future music teachers as a personal quality, ability to innovative thinking and productive activity.

Methodology. The problem of pedagogical formation future specialists of art profile is solved in the context of innovative educational activity on the basis of humanism, democracy, universal spiritual values.

Scientific novelty. The author considers the problems of pedagogical creativity in an innovative context: new artistic and educational ideas are applied, new ways of artistic activity are introduced. The article substantiates the principles of innovation activity. They form the basis for the development of creative potential teacher.

The author uses the method of comparative analysis and the method of generalization in order to determine the category of «pedagogical artistry». The article defines its essence and significance for the creative development music teacher. Elements of pedagogical artistry are being developed. Teacher's pedagogical artistry consists of several categories: artisticpedagogical reincarnation, pedagogical improvisation and directing of pedagogical action.

The author define hedagogical conditions: systematic creative innovative actions, modeling of pedagogical situations and use of art-pedagogical techniques.

Conclusions. Lastly, disclosure of creative potential future music teachers is effectively solved on the basis of a combination of traditional and theatrical pedagogy with a focus on pedagogical artistry, artistic-pedagogical reincarnation, pedagogical improvisation and directing of pedagogical action.

Author Biography

Ran Ju, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Ph.D. Student Dragomanov National Pedagogical University
(Ukraine, Kyiv)


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