

socialization, PR China, Neoconfucianism, Neoconfucian Synthesis, Maoism


Issues of socialization, resocialization, social adaptation, self-identification etc. today are of particular interest to pedagogy in connection with the globalization processes activation. Traditionally, practical developments in this area were based on sociocultural views of European and American scientists. The achievements and concepts of scientists from the Eastern countries and, in particular, China, remained outside the research area. The article aims to present those social concepts that dominate in modern China as to socialization issues and determine pedagogical approaches to solving these problems. Such comprehensive presentation of sociopedagogical concepts of Modern China is done for the first time in Ukrainian pedagogical literature. The ators used methods typical for scientific research in the field of social pedagogy and theory of education: general scientific methods (analysis, generalization, comparison) for analysis and research work with encyclopedic, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the subject of research; problem-targeted methods for the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, periodicals and normative documents related to educational process for teachers organization in both pedagogical and non-pedagogical education institutions of China. The research results in the conclusion that in matters of socialization, modern PRC relies on its own achievements (those adopted from Europe in the middle of XIX century and rethought concepts based on Chinese philosophical traditions, mainly of Confucius sense) of the midtwentieth century, adapting them to modern realities and expanding the basic conceptual apparatus through foreign concepts.

Author Biographies

Xin Zhao, Zhoukou Normal University

PhD lecturer
Zhoukou Normal University
(Zhoukou, PR China)

Yangyang Ma, Henan Normal University

Teacher, Henan Normal University
(Xingxiang PR, China)

O. Mkrtichian, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv Normal University

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences,
Advanced professor, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv Normal University
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)


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