regulatory support, vocational training, marketer, European educational spaceAbstract
The modern development of the world community has identified the problem of forming a single educational space with the presence in each national educational system of both its specific features and taking into account global trends in order to preserve the required diversity.
A single educational space enables national education systems in European countries to reconcile their educational interests with partners through increased mobility of students, teachers, management staff, strengthening ties and cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe. As a result, a united Europe is becoming more attractive in the global education market. In the context of our study, we have considered those regulations that are aimed at regulating the educational activities of professional training of specialists, including marketers.
The aim is to substantiate the peculiarities of the formation of the legal framework of marketers’ professional training in the countries of the European Union.
Methodology: on the basis of methods of legal acts analysis, comparison of the activities of national and European professional associations, the development of the legal framework on the training of specialists, in particular marketers, has been investigated.
The scientific novelty of the article is to determine the impact of regulatory support on the development of professional training of marketers in the European space.
Conclusions. The study of the legal framework for training specialists in the European context shows that the establishment of European education standards and standards in the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century and their introduction into the practice of vocational education will help to increase integration into the European intellectual and educational environment. The processes of globalization, integration, informatization of society requires new approaches to professional training of marketing specialists in Ukraine, harmonization of the educational space, and this is possible only in the case of unification of requirements to national education systems, standardization of training technologies, standardization of processes of management of educational institutions.
Changes in the market necessitate the improvement of methods for training a future marketing specialist, which may be the subject of further research.
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