

adaptive behavior, model, components of the model of forming adaptive behavior


Article's purpose – theoretical substantiation of the model of forming adaptive behavior elementary school children with visual impairment in the conditions of the education and rehabilitation center.
Methodology. Today, there is an increase in the number of children with visual impairments. Given the realities of today, the rapid change in social relations raises the problem of developing the adaptive skills of blind and visually impaired pupils. The analysis of scientific sources and literature showed that many scientists researched the problem of adaptation of younger students, covered the issues of adaptive abilities of preschoolers with impaired vision, but the problem of forming the adaptive behavior of younger students with disabilities was not developed enough. Taking into account the complexity and complexity of educational, educational and corrective influences, a model of forming the adaptive behavior of younger students with visual impairment in the conditions of the training and rehabilitation center was developed. A simulation method was used to characterize the structural elements. Components of the model we have defined the purpose, conditions, objects and subjects, principles and stages (diagnostic, prognostic, motivational, educational and rehabilitative, ascertaining). Accordingly, each stage has its own specific tasks.
Scientific novelty is seen in the definition and characterization of all structural components of the model and its subsequent practical implementation in the formation of adaptive behavior of children with visual impairment and their active inclusion in society.
Conclusions. Adaptive behavior of younger students with visual impairment is formed in a specially created educational and rehabilitation environment, with observance of all structural elements of the model, which is the basis for carrying out complex, systematic educational and rehabilitation work.

Author Biography

S. Verych, Public Institution «Chernihiv Education and Rehabilitation Center» of the Chernihiv Regional Council

Rehabilitation Teacher,
Public Institution «Chernihiv Education and Rehabilitation Center»
of the Chernihiv Regional Council
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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