socialization, health, social health, public health, personalityAbstract
The article deals with different aspects of the concepts of health and social health. It is determined that human health is first and foremost a social category due to the nature of social relations. It is characterized that health in ours becomes of universal value: health is not the presence of diseases, but the physical, social and psychological harmony of a person, friendly relations with other people, nature. It has been found out that the social component of human health is the social harmony of a person, friendly relations with others, nature and himself. It has been proven that «social health» is the greatest social value.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of «social health» in the process of socialization of the individual.
The methodology is based on the general principles of philosophy, sociology, basic modern provisions of pedagogical science, psychology, culture of health, and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the concept of «social health» in the process of personality socialization.
Scientific novelty. The scientific and pedagogical approaches to the content of the concept of «social health» in the process of personality socialization are revealed. The concepts of «health» and «social health» are characterized as components of socialization. The state of research of the problem in modern scientific domestic and foreign literature is determined. The article supplemented the methodology and tools for further empirical research on some aspects of the formation of the social component of health in the health care process.
Conclusions. 1. Social health is manifested in a person’s social activity, levels of assimilation of professional and general culture, ability to harmonize relations with oneself, with the surrounding people and nature. 2. Social health is one of the main indicators of the well-being of a society and its cultural level, its cultural level. 3. Social health – the sphere of health care of social workers.
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