Vasyl Symonenko, expressive syntax, syntactic figures, expressiveness, functions of expressive syntax figuresAbstract
The purpose of the article is the study and classification of figurative expressive syntax functioning in the language of Vasyl Symonenko's poetic works.
Methodology. To establish the role of the means of expressive syntax in the poetic speech of V. Symonenko, to classify figures by types, to reveal the reasons for their use and their role in the poet's speech-making, which provides a deeper understanding of the features of the figurative language thinking of the poet in particular and the literary processes of the sixties of the 20th century in general.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the analysis and classification of the figures of expressive syntax in the poetic speech of Vasyl Symonenko was carried out, and their role in the general system of the poet's language creation was highlighted.
Conclusions. It was found that the expressive figures of V. Symonenko's poetic texts represent a wide range of emotional and psychological reactions and states of the lyrical hero, axiological dimensions of fragments of the author's poetic picture of the world. The analysis of expressive figures enables a deeper understanding of the worldview position of the sixty-year-old author of poetic texts, individual authorial vision and specific assessment of the environment through the prism of additional, distinctly emotional and evaluative, semantic plans of lexemes and phrases and their combinations. The expressiveness of Vasyl Symonenko's speech-making can be traced in fact at all levels of the language system, but the use of expressive syntax figures (phenomena that are distinctly original) belongs to the dominant features of his idiostyle. Figures of expressive syntax emphasize the emotional and psychological reactions and states of the lyrical hero, strengthen the axiological parameters of lexemes and phrases in the composition of figures, means of expressive syntax of V. Symonenko's poems.
A number of dominant functions of expressive syntax figures in V. Symonenko's poems have been revealed: addresses focus attention on a person, a certain object or phenomenon, represent the emotional states of the lyrical hero, emphasize the speech of poems; inserted constructions convey the author's attitude to the described, depicted; inserted structures carry additional messages, remarks, additions; sentence equivalents most often perform motivational, negative, and emotional-evaluative functions; amplification is used to increase the tension of the message, to provide a context of enumerative intonation; gradation increases the intensity of the message; nominative sentences provide clarity and comprehensibility of speech, draw attention to a certain object; ellipsis is used in order to achieve tension and brevity of the message; parcellation enhances the expressiveness of poetic texts, gives them original features; asyndeton involves the reader in participating in the events, enables the presence of conjectures, enrichment of the content of the described fragments; silence increases the emotionality and tension of speech.
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