

supervision, supervisory activity, purpose of supervision, social workers, professional training of social workers in Canada


The article identifies supervision in the process of training social workers in Canada. The contemporary aspects of supervisory activity in the process of training social workers for supervisory activity in Canada are described.
Supervision is the primary means by which an institution-appointed supervisor facilitates the work of staff, individually and collectively, and ensures work standards. The concept of supervision is defined through models of analysis and competent resolution of situations arising in interaction with clients. The term «supervision» means the relationship between one person, the supervisor, and another supervisor.
The purpose of the article is to characterize the content of the training of social workers in supervisory activity in Canada.
The methodology is based on current social work provisions and reflects the interrelationship of methodological approaches to the study of «supervision» and «supervisory activity» in the training of social workers for supervisory activity in Canada.
Scientific novelty. Supervision in the process of training social workers in Canada has been identified. The contemporary aspects of supervisory activity in the process of training social workers for supervisory activity in Canada are described.
Conclusions. 1. The essence and content of supervision are determined. 2. Supervision is an important and necessary component in the training of social workers for supervisory activity in Canada. 3. The purpose of supervision is to assist the supervisor more effectively in the tasks defined in his / her duties. 4. There are no educational standards in the training of social workers fo r supervision in Canada.

Author Biography

S. Hryshchenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,
T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Сolehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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