tolerance, pedagogical tolerance, children with special needs, inclusive education, inclusionAbstract
The purpose of the work is to study pedagogical tolerance in future specialists to children with special needs in the process of introduction of inclusive education, the article considers the concept of tolerance in the scientific literature, as well as presents the state of study of the components of pedagogical tolerance of educators with the needs of teachers and teachers education. Theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the problem of pedagogical tolerance were: personality-oriented approach to education (H. Belenka [2], I. Beh [3], O. Kobernyk [14], T. Ponymanska [14], O. Sukhomlinska [16 ] etc.); provisions of psychological and pedagogical science on psychological patterns of development of preschool children and the humanization of education (Sh. Amonashvili [1], I. Bech [4], V. Lectorsky [9], A. Maslow [10], R. Pavelkov [11], K. Rogers [15], and others). Scientific novelty is represented in the selection of components of pedagogical tolerance, namely cognitive, emotional, connective, personal and their research, which allow to build, actual pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of pedagogical tolerance in the process of preparation of future educators.
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